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School Physical Fitness Award Scheme

 1.  學生標簽 - 金 , 銀 , 銅 , 白
Student Labels - Gold, Silver, Bronze, White
 2. 學生獎章 - 金 , 銀 , 銅
Student Medals - Gold, Silver, Bronze
 3. 體適能獎狀證書
Certificate of Physical Fitness


4. 老師 - 感謝狀
Teacher - Certificate of Appreciation
 5. 學校 - 體適能獎勵計劃學校參與獎
School - Physical Fitness Award Scheme School Participation Award
 6. 學校 - 體適能獎勵計劃學校成就獎
School - Physical Fitness Award Scheme School Achievement Award
 7. 學校 - 體適能獎勵計劃學校進步獎
School - Physical Fitness Award Scheme Progressive School Award