1. Application Procedure
Application for participation must be made through schools. Each year, the Education and Manpower Bureau will invite schools to participate in the schemes in September. Schools should register or renew registration to up-date details with the Education and Manpower Bureau on or before the deadline as specified. Schools may withdraw from the schemes subsequently but they must inform the Education and Manpower Bureau in writing.



2. Preparation by Schools

Participating schools should have the following physical education equipment and facilities:

i) A square or rectangular sports ground with a boundary of 80 metres or above. There should be sufficient space on all sides as a buffer area.
ii) Several gymnastic mats
iii) Skittles, cones or markers for indicating distance
iv) A stop-watch
v) A measuring tape (30 or 50 metres)
vi) A weighing scale
vii) A height measuring scale
viii) A whistle
ix) Sit-and-reach box
x) Skinfold calipers
xi) Handgrip dynamometer (for primary schools only)

School used to be able to borrow up to 3 sets of equipment from the Hong Kong Childhealth Foundation free of charge for three years. This facility is no longer available from 2001/2002 onwards.

Schools can conduct the tests under the schemes during physical education lessons, as extra-curricular activities or at any time outside school hours. If the tests are conducted during physical education lessons, it takes about 4 periods to complete the test items for the whole class.





3. Safety Precautions and Goal Setting

Schools are responsible for explaining to students the aims and details of the schemes and to give them guidance in pursuing physical activities. Participating students must confirm that they are in normal health condition and are suitable to participate in the scheme by producing written parental consent. If there is any doubt, schools should advise parents to consult a registered doctor about the suitability of their children to participate in the schemes. Teachers can introduce knowledge of exercising to students during physical education lessons or extra-curricular activities.

For information regarding safety precautions, please refer to the booklets "Safety Precautions in Physical Education for Hong Kong Schools" the latest version and "Prevention of Sports Injuries" published by the Education and Manpower Bureau and the Department of Health respectively. Students may join physical activities organised by other organisations as a part of the schemes. Other physical exercises done during leisure time should also be recognised. Students are responsible for recording these activities in the loose leaf log sheet of their handbook.

The most important aim of the schemes is to encourage students to participate in physical exercises regularly. Teachers should pay special attention to the fitness condition of individual students and fun elements in designing exercise programmes so as to arouse students' interest in pursuing a balanced exercise programme. Teachers can help students set their fitness targets and to design their individual exercise programmes with reference to their capacity. If students are actively involved in the planning process, it certainly helps to motivate students to exercise regularly and enhance their sense of ownership.



4. Fitness Test
Schools should follow the test protocols (procedures) in conducting the fitness test. The fitness test should be conducted by physical education teachers, while other teachers and senior class students can assist in taking measurements.

Schools should conduct the fitness test at least once in each school year and results of the test should be considered for awards. Students can calculate scores themselves. However, students of junior classes may require assistance from teachers. Please refer to the test protocols in Chapter V for more details of the fitness test.


  5. Publicity & Promotion
The success of the schemes relies much on the support of schools and parents. Schools may promote the schemes through written notices, parents' day or any other means and occasions. Displaying posters and other materials concerning the schemes will enable students to have a better understanding of the schemes.


  6. Test Record

Teachers can use the photocopy of the "Student's Record Sheet" (Appendix III/VI) and the "Data Collection Record Sheet" (Appendix IV/ VII ) to record individual student's results or use the "Class Record Sheet" ( Appendix V/VIII ) to record the class results. Students should record their test results in the student's Handbook. Teachers can also utilize the computer-assisted programme, "School Physical Fitness Award Scheme Recording System" (PFRS) to handle the data collected.



7. Application for and the Issue of Badges

Teachers should complete the form attached (Appendix II) to apply for badges from the Hong Kong Childhealth Foundation for their students when they have finished compiling the fitness test results from 1st April to end of the school year. The following tables indicate the requirements for respective badges:


Badges and Score


Total Score




16 points or above

Gold Badge



13 -15 points

Sliver Badge




Bronze Badge


Remarks :
1) Starting from the 2000-2001 school year, a new scoring method based on the levels that individual students have reached is introduced to the schemes. please refer to the student handbook printed in 2000.

2) Please note that gold, silver bronze and white sticky labels previously awarded to students and stuck onto the student's handbook will no longer be used.
